Some people are reluctant to undergo eye cataract surgery. Having a procedure performed on the eyes can sound downright uncomfortable. In reality, medical advances have made this a very common, simple procedure. The first step of eye cataract surgery is to have a standard eye examination and consultation with an eye doctor. During this time, the patient can discuss their concerns, questions, and habit or medical issues that should be mentioned prior to undergoing eye cataract surgery.
During the Procedure
The patient arrives, often after a fast and without any kind of make up on around the eye region. The pupils are dilated with eye drops and the face and the eye and face is sterilized and covered. Eye cataract surgery involves small, delicate incisions made into the eye to remove the cloudy obstruction. Another approach to eye cataract surgery is to use an ultrasound device that breaks up the obstruction and suctions it up as it comes off of the eye.
After the Procedure
Immediately after eye cataract surgery, the surgeon will cover eye with a patch or shield. The patient will not be able to operate a vehicle, so travel arrangements should be made beforehand. The surgeon will prescribe eye drops to be used multiple times per day for a few weeks. The protective eye covering will have to be worn for about a week. Patients should not expect perfect eye sight immediately after eye cataract surgery. During the healing phase, vision may be blurred. As long as the patient follows the surgeon’s recommendations after eye cataract surgery, they will have an easy, full recovery.