Eye drops for cataracts are available, but can they help stop or slow the progression of this common health problem? Many patients prefer to give eye drops a try before turning to intrusive surgery. While manufacturers claim their eye drops for cataracts work, how do patients fair?
Are Eye Drops for Cataracts Effective?
Some patients believe eye drops for cataracts can work while others claim they cannot. The reality is every situation is different and each patient’s expectations will vary. Before choosing a specific eye drop, check out reviews for that product to see what others thought of it. In most cases, you may find mixed results. Some patients claim that the eye drops had a dramatically positive effect, although it took months of use and the understanding that the problem will eventually resurface. For others, eye drops for cataracts do little to nothing.
Should You Try Eye Drops for Cataracts?
Talk to your doctor and do some research on available eye drops for cataracts. It may not hurt to give them a try, but you may wind up wasting your money. Many brands are readily available as over the counter medications. If you find the eye drops are ineffective, there may be a surgical option available to you. Some patients are intimidated by the idea of having surgery on their eyes, but most of their concerns are unfounded. The procedure is safe, effective, and painless. A physician can tell you if you are eligible or make a brand recommendation of eye drops for cataracts, if you prefer that treatment method.