If you suspect that you are suffering from cataracts symptoms, then it may be time to contact your eye doctor. Cataracts can cause vision impairment and, if left untreated, eventually lead to total blindness. This problem will not get better on its own, and will eventually extend throughout the eye.
The Early Stages
Severe cataracts symptoms do not appear overnight. At first, the patient may notice a little blurring. This is often explained as looking through cloudy glass. Light will also seem more intense than it once did. Even the manmade light inside your home may begin to appear to be too bright. Many early cataracts symptoms sufferers also notice an additional glare from headlights when driving.
Later Stages of Cataracts Symptoms
Over time, cataracts symptoms will intensify. The patient will notice significant blurring and begin to lose vision all together. The eye will also appear physically changed, with a milky appearance as clarity is lost. Certain types of cataracts will progress differently. Patients experiencing a nuclear cataract may notice their vision temporarily improving. This improvement is often referred to as second sight. Eventually the improvement will revert as the cataract grows.
Anyone who suspects they may be developing a cataract should contact their eye doctor right away. Cataracts symptoms can become a hazard as vision is impaired. A treatment could help slow the development of cataracts while some patients prefer to undergo surgery which can repair the problem. Early diagnosis can help a patient come up with an ideal treatment and avoid the challenges that come with vision loss from cataracts symptoms.